We were unusually patient apart. Made it my business, you were so impressed with their body motions, they were so in love. I spoke and listened to her crimes and follies, c'mon. Everybody c'mon. I'll be in New York on the following night; leave out a key unless you'll be home early. I tucked her in, she said she'd be alright. She kissed my hand and said, "I'll see you one day. Go on, grab your things and go on..." All I can say is it was just enough to keep me away; I was unsure but called and talked like we'd never before. You tried to explain, you shot it back, you talk a pretty good game. And at the end of the night we're crawling up the stairs together with a secret inside... I crashed around the room, she's egging me on--smile politely but I'm too ambitious. We spent the morning kissing on the floor. We entered casually but left a wreck, well c'mon! Everybody come on! Quiet morning, steady breathing, wake up early. I don't like it, but we're set on--we already know.