Bizzle - Same Love (A Response) lyrics


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Bizzle - Same Love (A Response) lyrics

[Intro] But understand this, that in the last days There will come times of difficulty For people will be lovers of self Lovers of money, proud, arrogant Abusive, disobedient to their parents Ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable Slanderous, without self-control, brutal Not loving good, treacherous, reckless Swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God Having the appearance of godliness But denying its power Woe to he who calls evil good and good evil [Verse 1] It's funny how the media portrays things They really pushing hard for this gay thing And it's so wicked how they manipulate things Can't even disagree without them making it a hate thing I say you wrong, and you holla "hate" instantly But you say we the ones who don't tolerate differences There's a whole lot of things I could say really But, see your hypocrisy is something I could paint vividly Saying it's the way you was born And I'm sure, that you lust just like I do, just in a different form But I'm married, so if I give into mine, I'm a cheater If you give into yours, you just fight to make it legal You rather fight God, then fight sin The Bible is alright, until it calls what you like sin And I feel so disrespected that you were so desperate You would compare your s**ual habits to my skin Calling it the new black Tell me where they do that? They hung us like tree ornaments, where were you at? They burned us for entertainment, you go through that? Mom's raped in front of they kids, while they shoot dad Ever been murdered just for trying to learn how to read bro? Show of hands? I ain't think so So quit comparing the two, it ain't the same fight You can play straight, we can never play white Using black people as pawns for yo' agenda And these sell out rappers will do whatever you tell 'em Skirts on stages, campaigning for that black vote Afraid to be blackballed, so they play that role You were never oppressed, the devil was a liar The only thing oppressed was yo' s**ual desire Keeping yo' desires oppressed is so lame to you But when you get married, that's what you expect yo' mate to do It angers you if I compare you to a pedophile Cause he sick, right? And you're better how? (Man, I ain't choose this) You think he chose that? (But I was born this) Well prove he wasn't born that But you were never a girl He was once nine, so at one time in his life it was just fine What makes your laws right? I'm not buying it So put 'em in that same trash can you threw that bible in See how that cycle is? Nobody wants to repent of they evil So we all try justifying it And you say it's about rights, but you lying though Domestic partnerships gave you rights a long time ago God created marriage, when he did, he defined it though So why is it you want what He created, but deny Him though? It's not wicked enough, switching the definition? You want it done by a Christian in a church he worships in? And that rainbow you using as a gay pride symbol It represents a covenant with God if you didn't know Check Genesis 9:13 for the info Homie, the war is spiritual, you don't know what you in for I ain't sayin' yo' sin's worse, but it is sin though The Lord took the punishment for it all on Him though We just gotta repent though The problem is if you don't call it sin Then you walk as if there's nothing to repent for Let's recap: We all wicked and desire sin But imagine a world where no one kept there desires in If something was called right, simply cause we desired it When yo' right goes against my right, who's right would win As for being born that way I should never see ya'll Ever see use a word like retard To describe someone who was born a little differently than we are I guess down syndrome really isn't a thing ya'll What do we call yo' syndrome? Oh, that term is offensive now when it hits home? So what gives you the right to call the way he was born a defect? I call yours a defect, you feel it's disrespect You don't believe in God? Hey, the universe says if we all gay We either die off or have to do it God's way And God loves you no matter what you struggle with At least struggle though, don't just give up and quit Forget how you were born We were all born in sin But Christ died for your sin You can be born again We were all born in sin But Christ died so that we can be born again [Outro] And I never want to act like All gay people are the same because that's ignorant But at the same time What I won't allow you to do Is paint this beautiful picture Like we don't have people from the LGBT community out here Running up in churches, disrupting services Kissing on the pulpit Out here attacking old ladies Throwing crosses down and stomping em' Violently a**aulting people So don't take my most aggressive lines that you know are to that group And try to apply it to the friendliest Lovingest gay person because that's not the case And to that struggling Christian right now Struggling with h*mos**uality Fight the good fight soldier No matter what anybody says We all have different desires We all are drawn toward different sin And my desire might not be your desire But I have a desire that's just as strong for another sin And I have to fight it day in and day out And sometimes I win and sometimes I lose Sometimes I stand and sometimes I fall But fight the good fight God is worth it God bless you No hate about it I love you