Bart Baker - Where Are You Now lyrics


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Bart Baker - Where Are You Now lyrics

{Justin Bieber} Where did I go I’ve been gone Haven’t made songs in so long Been locked down on house arrest for all the sh*t that I did wrong Meanwhile pop music moved on Big hits are EDM songs So I called up Skrillex and Diplo This video is so dark, you can barely see me There’s no lighting Now you can see that I’m singing But my mouth is barely moving Even though I got a brand new model girlfriend Every week This song’s about how I’m lonely (Look at me pout) I bite my lip, it’s so cheesy I have new lesbian hair I did a roast to change my image (image) Cause I have to try To make the world think that I’m not a d-bag (d-bag) Man did I fool all those dumb pricks {Skrillex} Why werеn’t we asked to be in this? {Diplo} Justin wants all of thе credit So just keep messing with his pics {Justin Bieber} Who is drawing all these dick pics? I thought I told you guys that you cannot be in this (mmm) {Skrillex & Diplo} We wrote this song and made this beat, jerk, we own it So get lost dude We only let you sing on it to sell more units That is true And now we got a hit because all your rabid fans bought it We used you {Justin Bieber} What! Oh my God, I’m gonna kill you {Skrillex & Diplo} We have a weapon to beat you {Justin Bieber} What is it? What will you use? {Skrillex & Diplo} I will simply play for you A high pitched annoying flute loop {Justin Bieber} Yes, so what, what will that do? {Skrillex & Diplo} It will drive you Looney Tunes It can cast magic spells too And it’s starting now We now summon A mutant version Of your ex-best friend With this magic flute Look there he is He’s huge and he’s pissed {Justin Bieber} sh*t, it’s Mally, my pet monkey {Mally} You abandoned me In Germany Now it’s time JB, I get my revenge {Justin Bieber} Oh no! {Mally} You’re coming with me To captivity {Justin Bieber} No please let me go!