Anonymous - Jolly Jankyn lyrics


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Anonymous - Jolly Jankyn lyrics

Kyrie, so kyrie, Jankyn syngyt merie, With Aleison. As I went on ȝol Day In owre prosessyon, Knew I joly Jankyn By his mery ton, Kyrieleyson. Jankyn began the Offys On þe Yol Day, And ȝyt me thynkyt it dos me good So merie gan he say, 'Kyrieleyson'. Jankyn red þe Pystyl Full fayre and full wel, And ȝyt me thinkyt it dos me good As euere haue I sel, Kyrieleyson. Jankyn at the Sanctus Crakyt a merie note, And ȝyt me thinkyt it dos me good - I payid for his cote, Kyrieleyson. Jankyn crakit notes An hunderid on a knot, And ȝyt he hakkyt hem smallere Than wortes to þe pot, Kyrieleyson. Jankyns at the Angnus Beryt þe pax-brede: He twynkelid but said nowt, And on myn fot he trede, Kyrieleyson. Benedicamus Domino, Cryst fro schame me schylde: Deo gracias, therto - Alas! I go with chylde, Kyrieleyson.