Madame Giry: Phantasma City of Wonders Mr. Y presents marvelous ,astonishments, human prodities, hm... the ooh la la girl, Christine Daae, spona for century all...... all gone Fleck: yes, there's nothing left nothing but ghosts try you come back, Madame Giry Madame Giry: you!! must.... still here... Fleck: of course were still here, the freaks, the monsters, the bazaars, where else could we resist but here? and after the tragedy after the master disappears with the child after the fire consumed everything Madame Giry: in dream, from dream Fleck: remember how it was?? remember?? Coney isle ... glistering and glimmering Rising bright Drenched in light See it smile Beckoning and shimmering All a-gleam Like a Dream Every fantasy set free Summer rising by the sea Madame Giry: Coney isle miracle on miracle See the sound burning round Mile by mile Loud and lewd and lyrical Dream on dream never seen all americ all was there here next to billionare Madame Giry: in a vacate a sensate and vondua hall of fame desperate in devastated noise night and day holding in by hundreds and thousands swept away for everything desire ...made for me