MONDAY Rudy hasn't gone home anymore. Shes scared. Shes confused. She just needs time for herself. What happened yesterday at the party was just to much, she feels horrible about everything she did and everything she said. She doesn't understand why she acted like that towards her mother. Maybe because shes never been there for her ? Maybe Rudy thought her mother was trying to seem like a good person in front of everyone and she'd turn back to her old self when everyone would be gone. She's not quit sure if she should go home yet because she not sure what she would say when her mother opens the door. Would she actually? Maybe she wouldn't. Maybe she'll leave her out there after the humiliation Rudy gave her in-front of all there closes friends and family yesterday. Rudy finally decides to just talk to someone about what happened. She thinks for a minute, Then she remembers about one of her closes friends from 5th grade. Melissa and Rudy were really good friends in elementary school but then middle school got in the way of there friendship something we all promise not to allow happen but we all break that promise and distance ourselves from those who truly love and care for us. TUESDAY She walked all the way to Melissa's house, a very far distance from where she was at that moment.But she didn't think about it twice, she was going to talk to her one way or another, no matter how long it took her to walk there. She was thinking about calling her first just to let her know she was on her way but she thought it would be better to surprise her. On her way there she started feeling a bit light headed. She tried to ignore it but after a while she started seeing less and less. She didn't want to stop but a part of her told her to. She had just gotten out of the hospital and it seemed as if she wasn't far away from going there again. Rudy fell on her knees on a big pill of leaves and fell straight on her face with her eyes closing right after. She was there for a while when she woke up to a loud noise, as she opened her eyes she saw her mother stranding by the ambulance crying. The paramedics finally saw her with her eyes open and walked over to try to talk to her but for some reason, she couldn't move. They began asking her questions and it seemed as if she didn't know how to answer. She was confused.
WEDNESDAY After a while of being there, Rudy's mother finally got near her and asked her what she was doing so far away from home. Rudy looked up to her with tears in her eyes and whispered i am sorry mother for i have failed you. Her mother looked down and told her not to cry and hugged her so tight. After a while Rudy got up and she decided to go back home with her mom so that they could sort things out. Ms. Oliver took Rudy by the hand and walked away from the scene. On the way home neither of them said a word. I guess you can say it was awkward at first but it was a long way home and eventually someone had to say something. THURSDAY After a long way of silence Rudy finally began to talk to her mother about what had happened the other night. Ms. Oliver was actually talking to her and trying to make things work. Rudy was surprised, she was wondering what had gotten into her mother. Why has she been acting like this? Was is a setup or has she really changed? at this point Rudy didn't care, she just needed someone to talk to. Hopefully their relationship as mother and daughter would get better. FRIDAY: Today i read