I am mending something that I'm not quite sure will heal
An empty and cracked cup but I'm picking up the pieces
It's getting easier at fighting 3 a.m
I'm finding the silver lining
No matter how far I have to dig my hands into the dirt
I've known war
And I've known peace
But I'm so f**ing tired of losing blood over both
And I'm so f**ing tired of singing songs of giving up
I'm giving up
I'm giving in
Because the only way I'm going to make it through this year
Is by being honest with myself
And not biting my tongue
My life is an open book
And every single chapter I'm writing a swan song
And I know not of stars but I know of the shimmer of broken gla**
Life is out, I promise you
May it be in the light of your first love's eyes
And after all of the longer nights
There is still some hope instilled in me
There's still some hope in me