XVNNIE's old persona: "Wolf" In the style of "Goblin" by Tyler, the Creator (Skit 1) Therapist: So, Ms. Evans... What's your full name? Wolf: It's Wolf Faithy Evans Therapist: And how old are you? Wolf: Old enough Therapist: so, tell me some things.. (Verse 1) I missed my mother growing up She'd just pop pills, and pour it up It's f**ing terrible, when there's not an adult that's there for you When your mum is on f**ing pills And smokes so much Her lungs are black, there's things she lacks I try to love her, but she pushes me away I have Asthma attacks Cuz of the smokey cloud stacks Childhood was ruined by beer and vodka Had to take care of my brother That's right, J, I watched ya Afraid of our mother, loud music and strong aroma Growing up, 8 years old, We're 4 years apart The house was cold, and it was always dark Dammit, Lawton, f** you, Lawton If we woulda stayed in Norman Near the hospital I was born in Maybe things would be normal And I would feel like a mortal Instead of the demon people see me as Listen, people, I'm far from an a** Maybe things wouldn't be like this All this f**ing bullsh**, and ignorant as f** n***as
Maybe she wouldn't be asleep right now Maybe she'd be awake right now Maybe she'd be talking to me right now In my room, on my bed Actually listening, not pretending Not saying,"Mhm," staring at the texts she be sendin' I miss her like all the f**in' a**ignments I'm missin' (Skit 2) Therapist: So.. You had mom probs? Wolf: Yes Therapist: And where was your father through all of this? Wolf: ... Therapist: Do you wanna talk about it? (Verse 2) My daddy wasn't here, just call him bald Pretty sure he left when I was two, or two feet tall I can barely remember sh** from those years tho, I'd rather not To be honest, that's all I know When my favorite uncle died, I moved in with my grandmother cuz I didn't want her to live alone Little did I know, I'd feel more alone than her, I don't even feel at home Only when I'm in my bed and I'm crying at night And I wanna f**ing die and rid myself of this life But I can't, cuz that's selfish, and I doubt I could bring myself to anyways.. But I love her, I've been with her since--- (Therapist: So you're suicidal?) Don't f**ing interrupt me, that's that sh** I don't like Don't you hate it when "