T y Yo L volaba y yo corria Justo cuando anocheca L no supo que paso No conoce el amor En el rio Que descuido L se ahogaba y yo nadaba Y l no supo que hacer Yo le pude responder UUuuu conoceme muy bien UUuUuu aqui siempre estare UUuUuUu en esto del amor No hay mas que un corazon Ya de viejos, que momento El se iba, y yo seguia Y yo no supe que hacer Y l me pudo responder.. UuUUu conoceme muy bien UuUUu aqui siempre estare UuUuuu en esto de perder Se pierde una vez.. (piano solo) UuUuU conoceme muy bien UuUUu aqui siempre estare UuuUU en esto del amor.. No hay mas que un corazn UuUUuUuU UuuUuUu (for a while UuuUuUs) En esto del amor.. No hay mas que T y Yo English Translation (open to better translations): He was flying, I ran
Used to it when the night came He didnt know what happened He doesnt know love In the river, thats neglected He was choking and I swam And he doesnt know what to do I could answer him Uuuuu Know me very well.. Uuuuuu I will always be here Uuuuuuu in this love There is no more than one heart/love And now that we are old, what a time He would leave, and I would follow And I didnt know what to do And he could answer me .. Uuuuu Know me very well Uuuuu I will always be here Uuuuuu lost in this Its lost only once.. (piano solo) Uuuuu Know me well Uuuuu I will always be here In this love uuuuu .. There is only one heart Uuuuuuuu Uuuuuuu (for a while uuuuuus) In this love .. There is only You and I