Sea breeze. Waves and trees sway. Clouds surround the City by the Bay
Two men. New friends
Fight the fog and wind to take a walk on this golden bridge
Sea breeze. Waves and trees sway. Clouds surround the City by the Bay
Two men. New friends
Fight the fog and wind to take a walk on this golden bridge
The last talk. The last laugh. You stood still after the first half
Now came the last glance to see that beautiful city
Then you said, "This is where I get off."
Above sea, man stands boldly at the edge of life and d**h
You raise the heights of our dreams, and the depths of our graves
And as a kid, never thought it would end like this
The silence of the mind comes with the feeling of letting go
Leaving loved ones who still don't know
Today was finally the day you would find what lies behind