There is a man, hiding in the corner.
There is a man, hiding in the the backyard. There is a city, starring with big eyes
There is a city, in search for him There is a man, who is afraid.
There is a man, who cant believe
and the man is afraid of all the pain There is a big city, with all the streets being empty.
There is a man, and he knows, he is alone! The clock tells him, there is no past
Everything is gone! There is a man, running throu the streets,
searching for his past, searching for anyone The clock tells him, he is alone
The clock tells him, there is no past! The big city, is cold and gray
The big city has its prey
There is something evil, glanced him all the time There is a man, who remembers,
he had many girls,
never counted the shots of wiskey,
never saw the dreams in anybodies eyes!
Was always confident and smart There is, something lost!
In his life!
And the city is tumbling!
And the city breaks throu its surface! Dreams, he never had, falling from the sky
Tears and wishes, hopes and satisfaction
everything is lost and past There is a man, still ignorant
There is a man, afraid of pain The big city wisphering in his ears,
and his mind!
Here speaks your evil!
And this is your hell!!!