If you have a weak heart Step aside If you faint at the start of the fight Step aside If you're her friend before mine Step aside If you're more her kind than mine Step aside Before I make you Time to make like a guest on Jerry Springer And kick you to the kerb, girl Time to slide out my swords (Twin swords, all the better to skewer you with) And give you your late birthday present b**h. Don't get in my way Don't think I'll let myself stay
Silent, not now Not when I'm burning up with An unleashed wrath All the better to wither you with. I'll consume you whole And you'll never cross me again And 'till we meet a- Gain It was 'nice' knowing your sow a** If you have a weak heart Step aside If you faint at the start of the fight Step aside If you're her friend before mine Step aside If you're more her kind than mine Step aside