The slow beats of the heart
Echoes from the past in my round-the-clock nightmares
Though I see disbelief in the faces of the men in white
I know they are real
As long as I remember I had hated him
The old goat, the black sheep of my kin
At nights I used to watch him in his sleep
Dreaming of the sleep lasting eternally
As much as I hated his words and his deeds
For long I dared to do nothing but dream
Yet in the late hours of that night
I sneaked into his bedroom with murder in my eyes
And I stabbed him over and over again
Till I bathed in his stinking blood
I hid his dismembered corpse
Into a small hole under the floor
I had been thorough so I could never be caught
So I remained calm when the police came to my door
I asked them in for a cup of tea
Those chattering fools, they never suspected me
That sound... what on earth is it?
It seems to be coming from... below the floor
The pounding sound... as if there was... a heart beating!
Oh my god, this is going to be my end
Though every beat was louder than the one before
The police kept on chatting as if they had heard nothing at all
Soon my whole universe was just a beating heart
With my screams of panic collapsed my calm facade
Revealed by the heart