Attention, Attention!!!
Bigman, big big man,
The way you have been oppressing the motherless children, is not good,
No no nooooo
Attention , Attention!!!
Bigman, big big man,
The way you have been torturing the women, is not good,
No no noooo!
Attention Attention !!!!
Bigman, big big man,
The way you have maltreating your country , is not good
No no nooooo!
Chorus: You arrest the children,
You use them for labour
you earn a living, and you stole all their rights,
you gave dem all guns and you send them to war,
one day Jah come answer, you, I know.
Attention , Attention!!!
Bigman, big big man,
The way you have been stealing from your country bank, it is not good,
No no noooo!
Attention Attention !!!!
Bigman, big big man,
The way you have been steeling our ressource,is not good
No no nooooo!
Attention Attention!!!
Bigman, Big big man,
The way you have been keeping all the people inside prisons, is not good,
No no nooooo!!
You stole our money,
you took overseas,
You sold our coco, diamonds and Petrol
You keep telling us, that white is not good,
One day Jah come answer you, I know
Attention, Attention!!!
Bigman, big big man,
The way you have been oppressing disabled people, is not good,
No no nooooo
Attention , Attention!!!
Bigman, big big man,
The way you have been bringing war into we country, it is not good,
No no noooo!
Attention Attention !!!!
Bigman, big big man,
The way you have ruling us for many years , is not good
No no nooooo!
Chorus: The time has come, when you start to regret
Silver and gold we have nothing to sell,
All we could do is to share what we have,
Poverty we share with you. I know.
Attention Attention!!!
Bigman, big big man,
Is time to realise that the children are grown,
No more fools.