Did you know that the reflection of hair that has fallen in full into the bottom of the bowl Or flight deck sales in a microscope They're building bigger and better swingsets These days thanks to investing a good deal of money Old man volunteers are coming by the hundreds Just to erect one swingset but You know you gotta come fight When your competition is theme parks And VR And skateboards As a dead rhythm guitarist once said “This is the 2000s and they're showing blind dates on TV.” God is a felt suit character at Disneyland They can pretend that dehydrated ice cream is pa**e
Kelloggs is giving away Apple laptops with 10 cents to the boxtop They're cloning sheep with limbs that pick up better than the torso Where are the 8bit entertainment systems? Where are the Pick Up Sticks, Lincoln Logs and LEGO, Candyland and Clue? The kids aren't playing tag anymore They're jumping off bridges blindfolded with extra lengthy bungee cords I used to eat cream cheese and onion sandwiches on pita bread And paint those pictures of God as a golden lion's head In front of stars of David