I see blue flames burning bright With this feather coat I fly through the fates of men I will foretell Along the coasts of evergreens Through each narrow, winding stream Beneath every gnarled mountain root Lies our destiny absolute Between shadows of great trees I travel Spirits cry to nature and the dead I listen Knowledge I seek On the mighty oak sits a raven, black Beckoned, I follow, I fly with into the void High stand the mountains Snowy peaks dwell in the sky Deep and fast run rivers Though frost covers their might Ever green are the trees Whose lives are forever theirs In the land of the dead I walk Where life has come to pa** Back to the realm you came Where the dead are alive The force that binds beings That ties all life I will find the answers I’ll see what the gods see Weaving the threads of fate Events to be Over the rocky seas I follow through the mist
Neither d**h nor nature this raven of my vision Certainly of the gods, it flies fast and far Its appearance must have reason There I land on supple ground With fear my heart does swell Those I know face down Eyes rotted out, bodies bloated No life in those I’ve found d**h, disease, pestilence We shall find if we stay No life here to be found Corpses lying all around d**h, disease, pestilence We shall find if we stay Here, I do not wish to be It flies again, I follow The raven nests on the tallest ash In a place I do not know We must make our new home there This vision Odin bestows A new land to find, the Allfather provides More ships to build, far across the sea we sail Follow the raven through the mist, don’t look back Trust in the gods, they have put us on this path Home and again toward d**h we march Avarice torn hand from hearth These lands will be ours