[Intro: Maximum (Wah-Li)]
-Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for tonights host, Maximum
-I welcome ya'll to one of the most memorable nights of your lives. Introducing my boy, Wah-Li, who's gonna be attempting to rhyme from A to Z. Many have tried but few have succeeded. Let's see how he does. Eyo Wah-Li... (Yeah?). Get 'em!
Assailants, a**a**ins, a**aulted- attacked!
Ashes ascend; asbestos; asthma. Astonished. Aback
Acts acquitting accused abandoned adolescents
Acknowledgements already abate around African absence
Before brutally, beating, bruising babbling, beautiful babies
Bachelors be buying brides bouquets buzzing bees
Bacteria biting backbones break biggest, baddest beasts
Baffled, bold, balanced boundaries banished, best believe
Crude, cruel criminals calmly climbing cliffs
Cool crowded conditions. Coppin' copper, crushing clinks
Cagey cabins coughs. Cold creek cactuses
Content creator camouflage's creature cabinets
Demons deviously degrade dudes doing deeds
Demoted, dodgy devil died defeated; desperate deal
Daunted dads daring d**h, debating daily deceit
Dangerously difficult
Defect, deception, deceive!
Enormous earnest equals, everyone extremely eluded
Eagerly exploiting; earth economic excuses
Ebonics easel easily, edgily executed
Exalted exacting. Everyone eerie excluded
Fix fraud, fabricating fonnies for fame
Fortresses first fall forwardly- fires from flames
Fictional frontlines forcefully forfeit- fumbling flux
Ferocious foes focused fiercely- frequently fuss
Ghetto grounds-gale gruesome; guilt generates
God grants girls; gays; giraffes gait
Heroes; heirs; h**ne; horses hibernate
High heights; high hallows; Halloween hate
Illustrated illusions incorporated irony
Including illuminating ignoble idiocy
I in ink infuriate individual idols
Immigrants imitating imaginary icons
Jumping jacks! Jungle jogging jittery jackals
Jeopardized jailbird jacking jaguar jackets
Journalists journey joining junctions just jolting junk
Judge, jury just jury just judging just
Kindred kings; knights knowingly keep k**ing
Kingdom kinsmen- kneel kittens kindly kidding
Lavish life liaising lies, luxurious living
Legit laws- landlords lawfully leasing
Latvian ladyships linger lingual labels
Lonely laborers loading lorries- loads laden
Menaces manufacture malfunctioning machines
Malicious men manipulating monopolized magazines
Naive natives negatively negotiate nations
Nagging nature; No news neutralizing neglection
Narcotic nucleus; Nuclear narrating notations
Nannies natter not; National negotiations
Opportunists openly obscure obligations
Observe, only on oath obey objections
Obliterate oblique obstacles overly over-rated
Obese, obnoxious, ordinary obligated
Pollution practically parading present populations
Poor people protesting political presentations
Presidential powers protecting pitiful peeps
Probably prefer provinces punishing peace
Queries queue questioning quality questions
Quaint quarrels quandary qualifications
Quietly quit quests questioning quarterly quotations
Queen quadrant quarters quickly questioned
Raw racism recently reincarnated
Recovered regime relapse ruined; re-created
Responsibilities ridiculed; really related
Radios raise riots; regulated
So stupid someone still solely struggle
Souls seriously sabotaged- skeletons shoveled
Saints sacrificed, savages safely safe-guarded
Sandcastle serve satanic sanctuary solids
TB thoroughly tearing through teenage throats
Trustworthy testimonies told thy: ''Trust the throne.''
Therefore, technology takes terrorism truthfully
That's typical tendencies talking, totally!
Untold ultimatums untied unities
Ultrasonic ululations uncovered unconsciously
Uncivilly, unarmed unbalanced unity
Uncalled-for unceasing; unveiling uncomfortably
Violence ventured valleys very viciously
Vaporizing very vain village vacancies
Vaguely value valid valor vagrancy
Vandalized valedictorians vanish variously
We wander worryingly wondering woes
While we're waiting wailing, who's wronging who?
Why waste waiting, walking wondering why?
Worsefully, we're welcoming weak wages while
X-rated xenophobic x-rays
You're yelping, yearning yapping' yays
Yet yearly yellow yards yielding yarn
Ying yang young youngsters yearn your yearly yarn
Zoo zyphers. Zero zest Zulu's...