Cow: Hoy hmm hmm oh la la la oh yo yo to moo oh ya la la. Mom: Chicken, why don't you take a hint from your sister and take out the garbage? Chicken: Stop nagging on me! Why do I always have to do everything around here?! [Breaks the T.V.] Get off my case! [Banging the walls] Mom: Honey, talk to your son; I had just about all I can take. [Starts to cry] Dad: Listen here chief: when you're all grown up and living like some hopped up and crazy bachelor, you can sleep on a pile of garbage for all I care, but as long as your under my roof, you gotta live my rules!
Chicken: But- Dad: That's it. I'll have no back talking, mister. You're grounded![Chicken goes into his room and slams the door] [Cow opens the door and gasps] Cow: Where are you going? Chicken: I am runnin' away to be a bachelor with cousin Boneless Chicken. No one tells him what to do; he just lays around his cool bachelor pad and does whatever he wants. Astella adiós, Cow. [Chicken hops out of the window] Cow: Adiós, big brother. Moo.