Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John Lowlands away I heard them say My Lowlands away 1. I dreamed a dream the other night Ch. Lowlands, Lowlands, away, my John My love she came dressed all in white Ch. My Lowlands away 2. I dreamed my love came in my sleep Her cheeks were wet, her eyes did weep 3. She came to me as my best bride (at mt bed-side) All dressed in white like some fair bride 4. And bravely in her bosom fair A red, red rose did my love wear
5. She made no sound-no word she said And then I knew my love was dead 6. I bound the weeper round my head For now I knew my love was dead 7. She waved her hand-she said goodbye I wiped the tear from out my eye 8. And then awoke to hear the cry 'Oh, watch on deck, oh, watch ahoy!' Variations on the chorus are: Lowlands, Lowlands, hurrah my Jo Lowlands, high, Lowlands, alay! Lowlands, Lowlands, hooraw my John My Lowlands aray!