Some kids just love To play with dolls Or put on funny hats And some make pets Of birds and fish And dogs and Alley cats That's not the way I like to play I'm tired of all these I need a very Special friend Won't you Help me please? I want a monster To be my playmate I want a monster To be my friend I want to get For my own pet A real live monster Who's not pretend Oh, I want a monster To be my playmate We'd soon become Good friends because Although they're hairy And sometimes scary They have such soft And furry paws If I make friends with A friendly monster I'd be the best that a
Friend could be I'd let him do Whatever he wants to And he'd always Belong to me So, if you know a Nice old monster If you've a monster To recommend Ooh, golly gee Please send him to me I just can't wait Until then! I want a monster A real live monster I want a monster Send me my monster I want a monster A real live monster I want a monster Send my monster I want a monster A real live monster I want a monster To be my friend! Oh please Send my monster Does anybody have A monster out there I'll take a Secondhand monster He doesn't have To be new