Shrimplike condition Fish indecision Erotic position From womb to the kitchen Told the black and white screen No one wants to buy your wares Parasites keep one still Ask the tadpole if it cares Polystypoliscipolly's fried in bu*ter Flapping with no flight Flying with no flutter Plastic joints reacting fast Kadt is mein gott Corrective lens embedded now Melting doorway rot Two dozen symbols The ceiling breathing caution
Finite arrangement Intruding fax secretion Language blockades A switch in the current Misunderstood virus Crawls through the turret mainstream direction s**ed at the source A peaceful sagara rain evacuate tunnels For the cleansing time and we're digesting the pain blank contemplation Gets blank compensation Heaven for pennies A stinking rain Ben-wa companion Pillow book scene Diseased old postmen fertilize the plain