They are lying down, the Great Old Ones. The bolts are fallen and the fastenings are placed. The crowds are quiet and the people are quiet. The Elder Gods of the Land The Elder Goddesses of the Land SHAMMASH SIN ADAD ISHTAR Have gone to sleep in heaven. They are not pronouncing judgements. They are no deciding decisions. Veiled is the Night. The Temple and the Most Holy Places are quiet and dark. The Judge of Truth
The Father of the Fatherless SHAMMASH Has gone to his chamber. O Ancient Ones! Gods of the Night! AZABUA! IAK SAKKAK! KUTULU! NINNGHIZHIDDA! O Bright One, GIBIL! O Warrior, IRRA! Seven Stars of Seven Powers! Ever-Shining Star of the North! SIRIUS! DRACONIS! CAPRICORNUS! Stand by and accept This sacrifice I offer May it be acceptable To the Most Ancient Gods! IA MASHMASHTI! KAKAMMU SELAH!