Hey little person way down there What did you knock over climbing up on your chair? Where did it come from? It whistles through the air Now you're crying Hey little baby your bottle's on the shelf Up there so high you can't get it down yourself You forgot the last time maybe mom will help Now you're crying Pick up your old friend and try to be alone A raggedy old blanket and a shiny little thumb What's it all about when the big folks start to shout? Fly away little bird there's no one left to scold you
Bright morning sun white clouds in full view Wake up some place new Your momma's gonna hold you Fly away I wish I could send you to some little island Where Daddy's always listens and Mommy's always smiling And no matter what they do they can't take it out on you Fly away little bird there's no one left to scold you Bright morning sun white clouds in full view Wake up some place new Your momma's gonna hold you Fly away, Fly away