84. [Decides to strengthen the technology needs a**essment (TNA) process, taking into account existing efforts,
including under the Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer, by enhancing:
(a) The implementation of the results of the TNA process through, inter alia, technology action plans and
project proposals;
(b) [The alignment of TNAs more closely with bankable finance projects and] improving TNAs to result in
implementable projects;
(c) The synergy between the TNA process and other arrangements related to the implementation of
mitigation and adaption actions, as appropriate;
(d) The operationalization of decision 18/CP.20 in the TNA process towards achieving gender-responsive
climate policy in all relevant activities under the Convention;]*
* This paragraph will be finalized in the light of any relevant decision of COP 21 on strengthening the TNA
85. [Requests the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) to elaborate the means of strengthening the TNA process
referred to in paragraph 84 above, taking into account ongoing work relating to this matter, for consideration and
adoption by the COP at its twenty-third session;]
86. [The Technology Mechanism of the Convention, including the TEC and the Climate Technology Centre and
Network (CTCN), shall be [strengthened][augmented] in order to effectively anchor technology development
through a dedicated nodal research, development and demonstration platform having appropriate human
resources, infrastructure and facilities. To achieve this, an expert committee shall be constituted to a**ess the
capacity and augmentation needs of the TEC and the CTCN along with its other linkages, for example Financial
Mechanism and national focal points, with respect to effectively anchoring technology development and transfer
in order to recommend and undertake appropriate measures;]
Option 1: [Encourages] [Parties][Developed country Parties][ Parties included in Annex X to the Agreement]
[to][shall][should] take steps to [improve enabling environments] [and address barriers] for technology
development and transfer by:
Option (a): Establishing and strengthening policy frameworks, institutions and the capacity to build
country ownership and innovation, integrating a gender perspective and involving and strengthening the
potential of citizens and communities;
Option (b)(i): Arrangements shall be established to address intellectual property rights (IPRs), such as
collaborative research and development, shareware, commitments related to humanitarian or preferential
licensing, fully paid-up or joint licensing schemes, preferential rates and patent pools;
Option (b)(ii): No text
(b) [Leveraging and attracting private-sector investments and promoting access to [public-sector
technology][technology in the public domain];]
(c) Strengthening the development and enhancement of endogenous capacities and technologies;
Option (a): In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 5, of the Convention, developed country Parties shall
provide financial resources to address barriers created by IPRs and facilitate access to and the deployment
of technology, including, inter alia, by utilizing the Financial Mechanism and/or establishing a funding
window under the GCF to meet the full costs of IPRs of environmentally sound technologies and knowhow,
and such technologies will be provided to developing country Parties free of charge in order to
enhance their actions to address climate change;
Option (b): No text
Option 2:
[Developed country Parties][Parties included in Annex X to the Agreement] [shall][should][other]
undertake steps to address barriers to accessing technology [and know-how] and to:
(a) Establish and strengthen their necessary policy frameworks in order to facilitate the removal of barriers
and enable and accelerate technology development and transfer to [developing country Parties][Parties
not included in Annex X to the Agreement];
(b) [Leverage enhanced support from the private sector for technology development and transfer to
[developing country Parties][Parties not included in Annex X to the Agreement]] [Promote access to
public-sector technology and promote technology development and transfer to developing country
(c) Provide financial and human resources and institutional and technical support for technology
development and transfer to[, and for the development and enhancement of endogenous capacities and
technologies of] [developing country Parties][Parties not included in Annex X to the Agreement];
Option 1: Requests the [IPC] to develop recommendations regarding the technology framework referred to in
Article 7, paragraph 3, of the Agreement, for consideration and adoption by the [CMA] at its first session, taking
into account the need to avoid duplication and the opportunity to create synergies; the [IPC] should consider,
inter alia, the relationship between that framework and the framework for meaningful and effective actions to
enhance the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 5, of the Convention, as well as the functions of the former
and its linkage to the Technology Mechanism;
Option 2: [Decides that the SBI review the Technology Framework with a view to strengthening it, taking into
consideration that the framework shall, inter alia] [Requests the [IPC][SBI][SBSTA][others] to elaborate on the
technology framework established under Article 7, paragraph 3, of the Agreement, taking into consideration that
it shall, inter alia]:
(a) Facilitate the undertaking and updating of TNAs in developing country Parties;
(b) Facilitate various options for enabling developing countries' access to technologies;
(c) Facilitate the [undertaking of technology a**essments][conducting of regular a**essments [on][of]
technologies that are ready for transfer];
(d) Make the list of ready-to-transfer technologies;
(e) Set the target for supporting the development and transfer of each technology to developing countries;
(f) [Mobilize resources to deliver the support] [[Facilitate] enhance financing and technical support for the
implementation of the outcomes of the TNAs of developing countries];
(g) Address barriers and create appropriate enabling environments for technology development and transfer;
Option 1: Decides that the TEC and the CTCN [shall] [should] report to the [CMA] through the subsidiary
bodies on their activities relating to the implementation of the Agreement;
Option 2: Decides that the [CMA][governing body] [may][shall][should] provide further guidance to [and
strengthen] the [Technology Mechanism][institutional arrangements for technology[ development and transfer]]
established under the Convention and serving the Agreement, taking into account the specific needs of
[developing countries][Parties not included in Annex X to the Agreement] and countries with special
circumstances in Africa, the LDCs and SIDS, and promoting needs-based development, access, management and
control, emphasizing the most marginalized; the guidance provided by the [CMA] [governing body] shall not
conflict with the guidance provided by the COP;
90. [Decides that [the CMA] [the governing body] [an ad hoc review and monitoring mechanism shall be established
and] shall conduct a periodic a**essment of the effectiveness and adequacy [and implementation] of the
[Technology Mechanism] [institutional arrangements] for technology development and transfer. [The
[Technology Mechanism] [institutional arrangements] shall improve their performance and be mandated new
functions, as needed, in accordance with the results of the a**essment;]