Option 1: Decides that the stocktaking referred to in Article 10 of the Agreement shall be designed to:
(a) Take into account [the updated synthesis report on the aggregate progress made towards the below 2 °C
objective and the long-term goal specified in Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Agreement] [the information
on the implementation of the individual and collective efforts under the Agreement];
(b) Consider the aggregate effect of the nationally determined contributions communicated by Parties for
subsequent commitment periods;
(c) Consider the state of adaptation efforts in the light of mitigation trajectories;
(d) Take into account the state of adaptation experiences, efforts and priorities;
(e) Consider the adequacy of the mobilization and provision of means of implementation;
(f) Be informed by the reports of the IPCC;
(g) Take into consideration [relevant input from the monitoring, reporting and verification process] [the
lessons learned from the 2013–2015 review];
(h) Take into consideration options for forward planning of Parties' NDCs;
(i) Take into account the financial needs of developing countries to participate in the stocktake;
(j) Take into account input from non-State actors, relevant international organizations and international
cooperative initiatives;
(k) Take into account information from the technical examination of opportunities to enhance practical
(l) Other;
recognizing that modalities may differ across elements.
Option 2: No text
Option 1: Requests the SBSTA to provide advice on how the a**essments of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change can inform the stocktaking of the implementation of the Agreement pursuant to its Article 10,
paragraph 1, and to report to the IPC on this matter at its [second][first] session;
Option 2: No text
Option 1: Also requests the IPC to develop modalities for the stocktaking referred to in Article 10, paragraph 2,
of the Agreement and to make recommendations to the CMA for consideration and adoption at its first session;
the IPC should be guided by paragraph 101 above and Article 10, paragraph 1, of the Agreement, take into
account the advice of the SBSTA referred to in paragraph 102 above and consider the following when
developing the modalities:
(a) The arrangements for the stocktaking, including the institutional arrangements and the relationship with
other processes and procedures under the Agreement and the Convention;
(b) The operational processes and procedures, including relevant time frames;
(c) The manner in which the stocktake process shall serve as input to the high-level sessions established
under Article 4, paragraph 10 of the Agreement;
(d) The form and nature of the outcomes of the stocktaking[, taking into account the nature of the process as
described in Article 10, paragraph 1, of the Agreement];
Option 2: Also requests the IPC to develop modalities for the stocktaking referred to in Article 10, paragraph 2,
of the Agreement and to make recommendations to the CMA for consideration and adoption at its first session;
104. Requests the [IPC][ADP][COP][SBI] to develop the [additional] modalities and procedures for the [effective
operation of the Committee][process][mechanism][International Climate Justice Tribunal][, including the
Committee,] referred to in Article 11 of the Agreement, with a view to completing its work on this matter for
consideration and adoption by the CMA at its first session;
Option 1:Requests the IPC to develop the draft rules of procedure of the CMA, including procedures for
decision-making and voting by Parties to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 4, of the
Agreement, with a view to the IPC making recommendations on this matter to the CMA at its first session;
Option 2: No text