Option 1: (paragraph 91)
91. Requests the SBI to act on the outcome of the third review of the Framework for capacity-building in developing
countries , including ensuring appropriate institutional arrangements related to the implementation of Article [8]
of the [Agreement], and to submit a proposal for consideration by the COP at its twenty-second session;
Option 2: (paragraphs 91-91quater)
91. Decides to launch a [two-year] work programme to enhance the implementation of the Framework for capacitybuilding
in developing countries;
91bis. [Also decides that the work programme should:
(a) Facilitate the effective implementation of the capacity-building actions of developing countries at the
national and regional levels, in particular addressing their INDCs;
(b) Promote coherence between existing institutions established under the Convention that deliver capacitybuilding
(c) Assess the effectiveness of the delivery of capacity-building support by ensuring the following:
(i) Compilation of information from relevant sources, including from the comprehensive reviews and
the outcomes of the Durban Forum on capacity-building;
(ii) an*lysis of information pertaining to capacity-building to identify, inter alia, gaps and needs and
other relevant trends communicated by Parties;
(iii) Development and dissemination of tools and methodologies for the enhanced delivery of capacitybuilding;
(iv) Development of tools for the monitoring, reporting and verification of capacity-building;
(d) Collaborate closely with other multilateral and international organizations involved in capacity-building;
(e) Report on the monitoring, reporting and verification of support received for capacity-building against
(f) Facilitate the efforts of developing country Parties to elaborate plans and strategies for achieving climate
resilience and sustainable development trajectories in accordance with their national priorities and
(g) [Implement the capacity-building measures recommended by the decision on workstream 2 during the
pre-2020 period;]]
91ter. Further decides that the work programme should address, inter alia:
(a) Gaps and needs, current and emerging, in the delivery of capacity-building [in developing countries with
support from developed countries,] [respecting human rights and with a gender-responsive approach,] in
particular at the national level;
(b) Ways and means to enhance coordination and coherence in the provision of capacity-building [of
developing countries regarding their implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions,] including
within existing institutional arrangements;
(c) [Ways to further enhance the monitoring of the effectiveness of capacity-building support in developing
countries through the development of indicators;]
91quater. Requests the SBI to [develop recommendations concerning] [report annually on the progress of] the work
programme referred to in paragraphs 91, 91bis, and 91ter above [for consideration by the COP at its twenty-third
session] [to the IPC and the CMA];
Option 1: (paragraph 92)
92. Requests the [IPC] [SBI] to prepare a recommendation for the CMA on the enhancement and intensification of
the work of the institutional arrangements on capacity-building;
Option 2: (paragraph 92)
92. Requests the [IPC] [SBI] to develop modalities and procedures for the capacity-building mechanism established
by Article 8, paragraph 5, of the Agreement;
Option 3: (paragraphs 92 and 92bis) {International Mechanism for Capacity Building under the Convention and the
92. The International Mechanism for Capacity-Building is the institutional arrangement for capacity-building under
the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Agreement and constitutes the Durban Forum, the capacity-building
portal and the proposed Capacity-building Coordination Committee (proposed in decision xx/CP.21). The
mechanism is established under the Capacity Building Frameworks(decisions 2/CP.7 and 3/CP.7) to address
capacity-building needs and gaps in developing countries and countries with economies in transition as they
implement the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Agreement;
92bis. In fulfilling its role in a comprehensive, integrated and coherent manner, the International Mechanism for
Capacity-Building shall:
(a) Enhance knowledge on and understanding of technical and management approaches to addressing
capacity-building needs and gaps in developing countries and countries with economies in transition by
facilitating and promoting: (a) action to address gaps in the understanding of and expertise on approaches
to addressing capacity-building a**ociated with the implementation of the Convention, its Kyoto Protocol
and the Agreement; (b) the collection, sharing, management and utilization of relevant data and
information; and (c) the translation into implementable actions of the synthesis of best practices,
challenges, experiences and lessons learned drawn and developed by the secretariat from the Durban
Forum and any data and information from the Capacity-Building Portal;
(b) Strengthen dialogue, coordination, coherence and synergies among relevant stakeholders;
(c) Provide leadership and coordination and, as and where appropriate, oversight of the a**essment and
implementation of approaches to addressing capacity-building needs and gaps in developing countries
and countries with economies in transition a**ociated with the implementation of the Convention, its
Kyoto Protocol and the Agreement;
(d) Foster dialogue, coordination, coherence and synergies among all relevant stakeholders, institutions,
bodies, processes and initiatives outside of the Convention, with a view to promoting cooperation and
collaboration across relevant work and activities at the subnational, national, regional and international
(e) Enhance action and support, including in relation to adaptation, mitigation, finance and technology, to
address capacity-building under the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Agreement;
(f) Provide information and recommendations on addressing capacity-building implementation needs and
gaps in developing countries and countries with economies in transition for consideration by the
Conference of the Parties when providing relevant guidance to the Financial Mechanism of the
Convention and its operating entities under the Convention, its Kyoto Protocol and the Agreement;
(g) Facilitate the mobilization and securing of expertise, and the enhancement of support, including in
relation to adaptation, mitigation, finance and technology, to strengthen existing approaches and, where
necessary, facilitate the development and implementation of additional approaches to addressing
capacity-building under the Convention, its Kyoto Protocol and the Agreement;
(h) Strengthen, consolidate and enhance the sharing of relevant information, knowledge, experience and good
practices, at the local, national, regional and international levels, taking into account, as appropriate,
traditional knowledge and practices and gender-disaggregated data and information;
(i) Complement, draw upon the work of and involve, as appropriate, existing bodies and expert groups under
the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Agreement, as well as relevant organizations and expert
bodies outside of the Convention, at the subnational, national and international levels;
(j) Promote synergies and strengthen engagement with subnational, national, regional and international
organizations, centres and networks in order to enhance the implementation of capacity-building actions
on mitigation, adaptation, technology and finance in developing countries and countries with economies
in transition;
(k) Consider data and information communicated by countries and other partners on the monitoring and
review of capacity-building at the subnational, national, regional and international levels in relation to
mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer, support provided and received, possible needs and gaps and
other relevant information;
(l) Assess and provide recommendations on further actions that may be required to lift constraints on and fill
gaps in capacity-building at the subnational, national, regional and international levels, particularly in
developing countries and countries with economies in transition.]
93. [Recalls the importance of][Encourages Parties to ensure that] education, training and public awareness reflected
in Article 6 of the Convention [and in Article 8.bis of the Agreement [are adequately considered in their capacity
building efforts]];
94. Requests the CMA to adopt modalities and procedures for the delivery of training, public awareness, public
participation and public access to information so as to enhance actions under this agreement, at its first session;