Option 1: A robust transparency framework covering both action and support, differentiated between developed
and developing countries, building on the arrangements under the Convention, related decisions of the COP and
mechanisms established by the Cancun Agreements (decision 1/CP.16), applicable to all Parties, and providing
flexibility to developing countries is hereby established.
Option 2: A unified and robust transparency system, covering both action and support, with built-in flexibility to
take into account Parties' differing capacities, and applicable to all Parties is hereby established.
Option 3: A robust, tiered transparency framework covering both action and support, applicable to all Parties,
based on self-differentiation with no backsliding and on national capabilities and intended nationally determined
contributions, and that builds on and enhances existing arrangements under the Convention and decision 1/CP.
16 is hereby established.
Option 4: Building on existing arrangements under the Convention, a transparency framework for action and
support that takes into account Parties different capacities and is applicable to all Parties is hereby established.
{A suggestion made that it is possible to merge 9.2 and 9.3 under one chapeau}
2. The purpose of the system for transparency of action is to:
Option 1:
(a) Provide a clear understanding of the emissions and removals of individual Parties;
(b) Facilitate understanding of global aggregate net emissions [in the light of the global temperature goal][in
the light of {refer to the objective of the stocktake under Article 10}][under Article 10];
(c) Ensure clarity and tracking of progress made in implementing and achieving individual Parties' respective
[contributions] [commitments] [other] under Article 3;
(d) [Share information, lessons learned and good practice on adaptation, including on][Provide a clear
understanding of] progress made in implementing individual Parties' actions13 under Article 4[, and other
regional and global actions on adaptation in the light of the global temperature goal];
[(e) Promote comparability among developed country Parties.] {The proponents of this language feel that it
could be moved to another more appropriate part of Article 9.}
Option 2:
Provide a clear understanding of climate change actions in the light of the objective as set by Article 2 of the
Convention and consistent with the principles and commitments of Articles 3 and 4 of the Convention.
3. The purpose of the system for transparency of support is to:
(a) Provide a clear understanding of the support provided and received [as relevant] by individual Parties [as
well as needs of developing country Parties] [and a**ist Parties in identifying gaps in support provided
and received], without placing an undue burden on SIDS and LDCs;
(b) Provide[, to the extent possible,] a full overview of aggregate support provided and [mobilized] [in the
light of {refer to the objective of the stocktake under Article 10}][under Article 10];
(c) Ensure [clarity and tracking][measurement, reporting and verification] of progress made by developed
country Parties in providing support in accordance with Articles 6, 7 and 8;
(d) Ensure clarity and tracking of support needed and received by developing country Parties in accordance
with Articles 6, 7 and 8;
(e) Ensure that there shall be no double counting of financial resources provided [and ensure the
environmental integrity of this Agreement]. {While the first concept is relevant here, the second
bracketed concept does not relate to this section on support, and could be moved elsewhere.}
{Further discussion is needed on: the relationship between the system and existing arrangements; the nature of
flexibility; and the potential role of ‘nationally determined'.}
Option 1: Each Party[, taking into account their common but differentiated responsibilities and their specific
national and regional development priorities, objectives, and circumstances,] [shall][should][other] provide
transparent, complete, consistent, comparable, and accurate information in accordance with guidelines [referred
to in paragraph 6 of this Article] [developed by the CMA] on:
Option 2: Each Party [shall][should][other], [regularly] [biennially] provide transparent, complete, consistent,
comparable and accurate information in accordance with guidelines [referred to in paragraph 6 below]
[developed by the CMA] on:
(a) Its national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases,
[using common metrics and] comparable methodologies as agreed on by the [CMA][COP];
(b) [Projected estimated emissions and removals;]
(c) Progress made in implementing and achieving [nationally determined] mitigation
[contribution][commitment][other] {precise language will be consistent with Article 3};
(d) [Vulnerability to] climate change impacts and [adaptation][actions taken] to build resilience and reduce
vulnerability [and progress on implementing any adaptation action under Article 4, paragraph 7] {Precise
language will be consistent with Article 4};
(e) Support provided and received, as relevant {Precise language will be consistent with Article 6, 7 and 8};
(f) Specific information requirements under Articles 6, 7 and 8, [on efforts to improve domestic enabling
environments, and on the use, impact and estimated results of support for [mitigation] actions] {Precise
language will be consistent with Article 6, 7 and 8}.
{Paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Article should be considered together as Parties have different views on the logic,
implication and structure of these two paragraphs}
Option 1: (paragraph 5)
5. The information provided by each Party shall be subjected to at least biennially an international technical expert
review. The review process shall provide a thorough, objective and comprehensive technical a**essment of the
implementation by a Party of the requirements of the Agreement. The international technical expert review shall
be carried out by an expert review team following guidance adopted by the CMA at its first session.
The expert review team shall produce a report on the results of the technical expert review, which shall be
communicated to the CMA. The expert review team shall consult the Party concerned on the report prior to its
communication to the CMA. The report shall an*lyse the extent to which the Party is on track to achieve its
obligations under this Agreement, as well as the extent to which the Party's reporting is in line with the
guidelines referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article.
The report shall identify any issues related to compliance.
Option 2: (paragraph 5)
5. The information required under this Article shall be subject to a technical expert review in accordance with
common guidelines and procedures adopted by the CMA. The review will consider the consistency of the
information with the guidelines adopted by the CMA, the Party's implementation and achievement of its
nationally determined mitigation [commitment][contribution], and identify any areas for improvement in
reporting. For Parties with least capacity, the expert review may also identify capacity-building needs. The
technical expert review shall be carried out by an expert review team. The expert review team shall produce a
report for publication by the secretariat and consideration by the CMA.
Each Party shall undergo a multilateral and facilitative examination of the implementation of its [nationally
determined mitigation] [contribution][commitment][other].
Option 3: (paragraphs 5 and 5bis)
5. Building on the existing measurement, reporting and verification arrangements under the Convention:
(a) Developed country Parties shall report information related to their actions and provision of support to
developing countries in accordance with the provisions of the Convention and relevant decisions of the
COP mutatis mutandis under the Agreement, in their national communications, biennial reports and
annual inventory reports. All of that information will be verified through a robust technical review
process followed by a multilateral a**essment process, and result in a conclusion with consequences for
(b) Developing country Parties should report information on their actions and support received according to
the Convention and relevant decisions of the COP, inter alia procedures set up under decisions 1/CP.16
and 2/CP.17 mutatis mutandis, and the level of support received from developed country Parties.
5bis. Developed country Parties and other developed Parties included in Annex II to the Convention shall ensure the
transparency of support by:
(a) Providing clear information in national communications and biennial reports;
(b) Providing a clear road map with individual annual commitments for public funding, technology transfer
and capacity-building support in the post-2020 period;
(c) Drawing on the work mandated to the Standing Committee on Finance by the COP to a**ist the COP in
exercising its functions with respect to the measurement, reporting and verification of support provided to
developing country Parties;
(d) Drawing on the work of the SBSTA on methodologies for the reporting of financial information.
Option 1: [The CMA shall, at its first session, building on lessons learned [and elaborating on the provisions
above], adopt [common] modalities, procedures and guidelines, [to elaborate on the provisions above] [as
appropriate, for promoting environmental integrity] [for the reporting and review of the information as set out in
paragraph 4 of this Article]. It shall take into account, inter alia:
(a) The need for flexibility in the light of capability;
(b) The importance of facilitating improved reporting and transparency over time;
(c) The need to avoid undue burden and duplication, taking into account the particular situation of Parties
that are small States with limited administrative capacities;
(d) The facilitative, non-intrusive nature of review;
(e) The need to ensure that there is no backsliding;
(f) The need to ensure that there is no double counting;
(g) The need to ensure environmental integrity.]
Option 2:
The CMA shall, at its first session, building on lessons learned from reporting under the Convention and
elaborating on the provisions above under this Article, adopt common modalities, procedures and guidelines, as
appropriate, for the transparency of action and support.
7. The transparency system shall be guided by the principles and provisions of the Convention and be implemented
in a facilitative, non-intrusive, non-punitive manner, respectful of national sovereignty, and shall provide
flexibility and avoid placing an undue burden on developing countries.
8 There shall be a transition period of [5][10] years for developing country Parties.
9. The rules and guidance related to accounting [that are set forth in decision 1/CP.21,] [including with respect to
[land use], will apply along with any subsequent decisions by the CMA.
10. The secretariat shall maintain [in a public registry] Parties' nationally determined [contributions][commitments]
other] [and use such information to a**ess the aggregate effect of the [contributions][commitments] and progress
towards implementation of the Convention.]
11. [The CMA shall facilitate the enhancement of the clarity, transparency and understanding of the nationally
determined [contributions] communicated by Parties.]
12. [The CMA shall cooperate with the Conference of the Parties to avoid overlap and duplication.]
{Proposed to move this to Article 12 (CMA)}
13. [Developing country Parties shall [[receive][be eligible for] support to [a**ist in the implementation
of][implement] this Article]][implement this Article consistent with their capacities and the level of support
14. [Developed country Parties] [shall][should][other] provide support to developing country Parties in the
implementation of this Article.]
15. Developed country Parties, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism and any other organizations in a
position to do so shall allocate financial resources for the building of transparency-related capacity of developing
country Parties in need, on a continuous basis.
16. [The CMA shall periodically review its decisions and update them, as appropriate [and at least once every five
years].] {Proposed to move this to the section on the transparency of action and support in the draft decision}
17. The transparency arrangements under the Convention, including national communications, biennial reports and
biennial update reports, international a**essment and review (IAR) and international consultation and an*lysis
(ICA), shall serve this Agreement.