Always going round in circles, revolutions. Can`t see,HD, no resolution. Always jumping to conclusions,which starts a war, An Ollie with a twist, because we seem to want more Call the exorcist, because you`ve got your head on twisted, The corruption of your mind by the media has a**isted your political pa**ion to make destructive decisions, which some justify by, or blame on religion For all the world`s Genius, we sure are dumb, Fighting the same people we have now become, Sorry Jamiroquai, we are never 'gonna learn', This isn`t what Usher meant when he sang 'let it burn' It seems to me nowadays that the word 'invasion', Does not apply unless you are middle eastern Asian, We are blindly supporting our troops in the war, whilst still Stevie wondering what they`re fighting for We intervene in countries and the outcome is chaotic,
But any criticism seems unpatriotic, Don`t get me wrong, those men at the somme were braver than you and I, But why do these 'Heroes' become a number when they die? We all sing their praises with every pompous breath, For civilian murders, gang rape and theft, But on the front-line is where their honor is left, As the individual is now forgotten in d**h For all the years these great men service their country, they have no use dead as they can`t make it money, We claim to remember them always like elephants, But once they are dead, their names` no longer relevant We pa**ively support the war due to our small minds, but just like man, leave no empathy behind, as due to our narrow vision, what we fail to see, Is that not every 'foreigner' is our enemy