Papaw followed the timber in 1929 With seven hungry children He was working all the time Daddy was the middle son Tough as a fire plug That's why Papaw chose him To carry the water jug Drink, drink, drink from the cup Here's a litle mud in your eye Drink, drink fill her back up Never let the jug run dry The woods of Sylacauga Is where they pitched their tent Amidst lumberjacks and loggers Worked hard for every cent One day while hauling water On the rounds he made He watched a man get split in two Who was careless with the blade
Drink, drink, drink from the cup Here's a little mud in your eye Drink, drink fill her back up Never let the jug run dry Never let the jug run dry As I look back I still recall That everywhere he'd go He always kept a water jug Made sure he kept it full Daddy loved to tell the tale It never did get old Visions of dead lumberjacks Still make my flood run cold Drink, drink, drink from the cup Here's a little mud in your eye Drink, drink fill her back up Never let the jug run dry Never let the jug run dry