Long ago, before the sun shone bright above Even before the first wind blow A wandering beast arose And darkness took over the world Time went by The god brothers came down to Earth The cruel beast was torn apart And so life begins The dawn of a new age has come Thousands mouths to feed A tribute of blood The altar, the temple, mother nature will swallow the sun And give it back to us! A ceremony to the deity of night The red, the black, Tezcatlipoca, smoking mirror God of d**h and cold The beast became the sky, the hills
The trees, the caves and the ground Tlaltecuhtli: The one who gives and devours life Rise oh Feathered Serpent Fly high in the skies Spread your wings and take us to the light with wings open wide Rise oh Feathered Serpent Mighty thunder, wings of wonder Ride the winds of wisdom, lord in white! A matter of life A reason to be The flash of the blade The priest will begin The altar awaits My blood on the stairs The wings of the Serpent Are wide once again!