From the deep of my cave, I talk to you
And my den is your soul, I'm the Devil
I'm Satanas, the Beast, the Antichrist
That one who punches to God with the dart
From the deep of my cave, I talk to you
The least waited hour shall be my hour
'Cause it's me and no God whom you must worship
Therefore now the man's end I have foreseen
'Cause here the evilness increase, 'n is decorated itself
The least waited hour shall be my hour
I'll throw my legions o'er the world
Perverse archangels with axes
Shall burn the nocturnal scopes
Razing of the orb their regions
I'll throw my legions o'er the world
Affliction, hatred, horror, shall be my trilogy
I have always been that one, that isn't allegory
Shall enjoy my taciturn eyes
When the man is sinking in his own agony
Affliction, hatred, horror, shall be my trilogy