Unbounded information concentrated to a primitive basic ideology Identically rationally comprehended Perceptions alike effortlessly spawning, coinciding within one built reality Intellectual augmentation Evolving cognitive processes of Existence Independent, self-subsistent of reality Juvenility expanding into an anomaly Foreshadowing nihility Divergence in communal perception, the schism of Conception Discord and aberration, pondering origins of creation Unbounded information concentrated to a primitive basic ideology Identically rationally comprehended
Perceptions alike effortlessly spawning, coinciding within one built reality Intellectually Augmented Consensual Notion Contrast in Comprehension Eradicate a singular perspective of reality Discrepant a**umption of existence, the harbinger of self-subsistent persistence Cognitive dissonances resonating, dissolving the delusions of tangible veracity Alternate reflections befalling universal knowledge of actuality The harmonious ring of consensus reality advances forward All states of being are diminished Falsehood Veracity