I cued up the tape to the song that reminds me of the time you and i drove to boston and back in a day And It felt like nothing at all until we were an hour away when I exceeded the state speed limit, In your polka dot car we werent too far from home so I kicked up a mixtape, And danced along while you slept through the whole car ride and the whole album through the whole night. I try to forget sometimes who I really am, so I act like a being from a different planet or laze my eyes and drop my chin like a zombie from the day of the dead. It might have been something that you said or it might have been the tune of the pinback song repeating in my mind that made me realize its easy to be myself when ur by my side But yo, dont get caught off guard cuz I dont feel like im not the same as I was and the words that I say might not be what you wanted to hear like torturing your ears when I grow out my nails and claw at the chalk board. Id probably put Jessica alba on hold just to piss off the few that I have my problems with. And Id never resent showing my bitter side in the letters I sent.
And on the hot days in the summertime I wanna blacken out the sunshine and show my evil side when we take a ride, In yer old Pontiac Bonneville where the feeling is chill and it seemed that time stood still, And I wanna hold the moment with a song to remember and make a mixed cd of my memories Yea I still act like a kid cuz I hate growing up, and I know when im grown Ill still be a minor at heart cuz I hate dealing with people that annoy me. And for the record the majority of humans that walk this earth are a decoy of some sort, like the gift from the Greeks, the Trojan horse of troy, Ill give anyone a try if theyd understand both sides. Thats the matter with most people, they dont wanna consider a different point of view. And thats what attracts me to you even though yer not that rude, youve got this thing thats hard to explain, its the kind of style Id like to relate to. They say man only hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest, but I want to hear more off your chest.