Hey you sad boys! Hey you sad girls! Here's the loneliest song in the whole world Hey you sad girls! Hey you sad boys! You're staying alone despite your best ploys 'Cause true love's like the Loch Ness monster And we all know that that thing's phony It's hearsay and some blurry pictures And questionable testimony It hides in caves and darkened caverns And broken hearts in drunken taverns Or young girls' smiles on cafe porches, You cant' find it with teams and torches Your love was so short and life is so long, You're trying to figure out what went wrong 'Cause girls avoid you like a leper, You've got a lonelier heart than Sargent Pepper And that state can be worse than the bottom, And make you go mad and feel like adorning A noose around your neck and hanging from a tree Like ornaments on Christmas morning But forget about that, it's back to routine:
The drink, get mad, get sad, drink scene And lying with you here in your bed Is like waking up to pistols at my forehead Hey you sad women! Hey you sad men! When it seems like the bottle is your best friend Hey you sad women! Hey you sad men! Channel that hurt down through a pen Your room's covered with pictures on the wall Of your new boys and their leering eyes And your new place is more like a hall Of fame for things that I despise 'Cause now we're apart and to you that's just fine, It's exactly the way you want things to be But your new place is more of a shrine To your free life without me Your apartment's like a hall of fame for things that I despise And you'll never come back to me, I know no matter what I try The years will come and years will go and you will eventually know That waking up without love is like waking up with a pistol in your mouth