Send thy angels unto me, I beg THEE Saviour Bless me with THY peaceful sights Come forth and bleed me Until all that remains is a servant of THY WORD Witness the moving of mountains For it manifests the LORD’s might Sanctify the hammer’s crush For it reveals HIS creation through destruction In man*s tuas, Pater, Commendo spiritum meum I feast in YOUR faith Reap the unfathomable harvest YOUR mark, the sign of an age of glory Where your reason reigns above all Under your ecstasy we celebrate your name Pleroma gathered in unison Solo: M.S. Lucifer, excelsior, magnificent I pray for THY kingdom to come unto me
Celebrating THY wisdom with joy Alas! The void of voids! In man*s tuas, Pater, Commendo spiritum meum I feast in your faith Reap the unfathomable harvest Lucifer, excelsior, magnificent I pray for THY kingdom to come unto me Celebrating THY wisdom with joy Alas! The void of voids! Gloire et louange à toi, Satan, dans les hauteurs Du Ciel, où tu régnas, et dans les profondeurs De l’Enfer, où, vaincu, tu rêves en silence! Fais que mon âme un jour, sous l’Arbre de Science, Près de toi se repose, à l’heure où sur ton front Comme un Temple nouveau ses rameaux s’épandront!