Well I know its getting late But I need something to set me straight It will teach me to clean my plate And wash it away And its not all fun and games Inside the pleasure hides the pain Sometimes it shines sometimes it rains Wash it away Wash it away Chorus Raise your gla** and drink it til its gone Raise your gla** and drink it til its gone Is it the flavor or the taste Is it the …. or the chase Sometimes it all seems like such a waste
Wash it away Sometimes it doesn't look so good And I don't face it like I should But its getting better knock on wood Wash it away Wash it away Chorus They're gonna bury me with my boots on I'm gonna take it like a man With every sunset comes a new dawn I'm gonna get it while I can So you run and dive right in Let the water touch your skin A higher power forgive your sin Wash it away Wash it away Chorus x3