[Verse 1] Stray shards of vinyl siding Hit the windshield coming down On a gridlocked freeway Headed for Houston out of town We were sad to see it sinking Up on the Jumbotron Balconies in higher places Gone, gone, gone Young Romans at the city wall Scavenging for scraps Riding out the amnesia Filling in the gaps [Chorus] Grab hold of my hammer Try to bring down the Superdome On that rainy day When I bring my curses home [Verse 2] Water floods the pharmacy
People sliding down the aisle Emerging into the moonlit night All smiles, all smiles Wished I was down there with them Reaching for that third rail Saw them on the TV though As they herded them down to jail That night someone brought some shoes in From Los Angeles or Portland I forget Mad scramble for the boxes Everything got wet [Chorus] Wingless, broken insects Trapped in honeycomb On that wasteful day When I bring my curses home