As I walk through the valley of the shadow of math I take a look at my life and realize there's none left 'Cause I've been deriving and proving so long that Even my advisor thinks that my mind is gone But I ain't never proved a theorem that didn't deserve it He be treated like a lemma, you know that's unheard of You better watch how I'm talking, and where I'm walking Or you and your homies might get covered in chalk I really ain't that smooth, but I gotta hope You convolute me with a function so I get a slope, fool I'm the kind T.A. the little majors wanna be like In my office late at night, grading papers that ain't right Been spendin' most our lives in a mathematics paradise Prove theorems once or twice in a mathematics paradise Big stipend pays the price in a mathematics paradise A bigger one would sure be nice in a mathematics paradise My thesis situation has got me pacin' Operator algebras on a smooth manifold So I gotta be down with d-z-bar Anti-involution product got me seein' stars I'm a educated fool, K-theory on my mind Piece of chalk in my hand and a gleam in my eye I'm a fifth-year grad, so don't keep me longer And my thesis is down, it can't get any stronger, fool Defense ain't nothin' but a quarter away A post-doc at M. I. T.? What can I say? I'm twenty-three now, but when I live to be thirty-four A Fields Medal, maybe? I don't know
Tell me why is pi defined to be 3.141592653? Been spendin' most our lives in a mathematics paradise Prove lemmas once or twice in a mathematics paradise Big stipend pays the price in a mathematics paradise A bigger one would sure be nice in a mathematics paradise Power of the series, series of the power Every morning missing shower after shower Everybody's running, but half of them ain't lookin' what's going on in the cla**room 'Cause they're too busy sniffin' They say I got to learn, but they have no time to teach me If I can't understand that, how can they reach me? I guess they can't, I guess I won't I guess I'm stuck. That's why I know my life is out of luck, fool Been spendin' most our lives in a mathematics paradise Prove theorems once or twice in a mathematics paradise Sometimes we prove them thrice in a mathematics paradise And our advisors give advice in a mathematics paradise Tell me why are we so blind to state E is 2.71828? Tell me why is pi defined to be 3.141592653? (Elbow: "...5897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679, dot dot dot.") Been spendin' most our lives in a mathematics paradise Prove theorems once or twice in a mathematics paradise A conjecture would suffice in a mathematics paradise We don't got no social lives in a mathematics paradise