It's not the first thing That crosses your mind Early in the morning Infact it worries me How few minds it crosses at all I must admit that it took that film To bring that matter to my attention And now i worry about Who's Got the guns Thought to myself Whein that fear crossed my mind It takes just one contry To start a war of this king Maybe there's something I should do with my life So often this world Finds itself balancing on a knife I wanna see them all gone from this world There's better things to spend that money on There's other ways to make this overcome
Won't have to prove it That we're just as strong as you An is it me or is society Becoming blinder by the day To what's behind those hills Along'del muerto way So bright it reached the girl's blind eyes Stretched from the jemez mountains To the still dark skies Such intensity Neighbouring communities Would swear the sun rose twice that day I think it's time that we took that matter Into our own hands and shut them down It's time we rid ourselves of this curse It's we who created whis terror We can't let it stay here for ever