Heeeey! hey! hey! hey! Well everyone you meet, In the pubs and on the street Is touch sensitive. Don't frown and you're a creep If you smile you're a liar If you don't say it's bitter cold You're drunken, too. {hey! hey! hey! hey! .... hey! hey! hey! hey!} They say what about the money? But I think that I'm industry [in the street? ] I think they've got a bloody cheeck. I'm livin' in a pawnshop weekly [in delia's] What don't want a little kip
Yeah! {they're touch sensitive.} {hey! hey! hey! hey!) Touch sensitive Old people worry about the milk But in the street they call you filth. Houses line up Volume tremors Pa** down your barber till your carrot speaks Stand back and laugh. You are burstin' for a pee So you go behind a tree Two coppers followed safe That as will be the end The best thing is to stay home And have a wa*k.