Out of the sewers come the rats old rats! young rats! comrades? a mishmash of misinformed reds The deformed reform confirmed confirm the roots of all rats a firm con to show where it's at? King commie is dead? Who's to blame? he wasn't even fat, how about that? Lazy slavish chewers down the sewers? too many reds to be fed? oh King Commie, is he dead? The real face is down the sewer where the rot tends to grow to renew her
in the eye of the reborn consumer says the presumer turning red Redecorate the sewer, say the rats Anything will do but that But King Commie, is he dead? Hung by ma**ive thread? a ratrace in the sewers? time to place your bets! Divers and strivers and survivors in the red they all wanna get fat ready for another prat But what about King Commie is he dead?