Call the dogs off Mama, if you could please douse the lights I got some people hunting me, too tired to fight Could I stay her a night or two, at least until my guns get cold I feel a storm brewin' up, wash my tracks right off the road There's no need to wake up Papa, I'll just bed down out in the barn I know I ain't been nothin' but trouble, just the way I was born Chorus: But Mama I ain't no Jesse James, I ain't no Billy the Kid Hope you understand I had to do all them things I did Heard the preacher got struck by lighnin', now ain't that a hell of a note If I could have laid my hands on a pencil and paper, I swear to God I'd wrote
Is it true what they say about Nellie, marryin' the Baldwin boy Good for him, bad for me, you know she was my pride and joy See Mama there comes a time in everyman's life, sees he's been surrounded Even if he fights his way free, forever he'll be hounded Chorus Mama don't worry about that blood on my shirt, it looks alot worse than it feels Truth is, it's just a flesh wound, and thems the kind that heals Mama, wish we could talk all night, set on the porch and watch the sun rise Been along way in a very short time, better close my eyes Chorus