Swofford What's going on with Mary I hear them say Mary's not the Mary of yesterday She's gone with changing her hair She laughs and she cries And her mind seems to be A worried and jumbled affair Well, I have talked to Mary, I've searched her eyes And if you ask of Mary she'll tell you why. It's Mary's time to run, With the mad, with the sane, With the joy and the pain, Till she finds her place in the sun. Young birds fly in early spring
Learn new songs to sing And each song they know can help them to grow. Mary questions everything she's ever known before And warn her as we may she just won't listen any more So let her find her way and soon will come the proudest day When everything's been sorted Through the streets will be reported All the people congregate to feel the love within her heart And to listen to the music in her mind. Young birds, etc.