The fetid menage of wafting flatus Singe my palate with nauseating rot This stale concotion of postmortem brew Inundate nasal pa**ages with snot Grotesque reaction Huff the carca** Odiferous putrefaction Aurborne bacteria lodge in my sinuses Tickle the back of my throat with decay Violently retching, coughing up phlegm Laced with acrid cadaveric waste Reddened eyes sore from maturating odor Repugnant air currents of flavor so vile The sour fetor a**ualts my taste buds I regurgitate vitriolic bile Dank perfume Necrotic gas Reeking plumes Medical examiners scramble for air Menthol cream mustaches stave off the stench Gusts of mephitis breach ventilation hoods The musty rank tang makes my stomach lurch Sniff the stiff Effusing mold Corrosive whiff The fog of dissection Post mortem haze Tear-inducing gas
Leave me in a daze A retching chorus scores the morgue Carca** is swollen with bactericidal activity Eructing its final funeral dirge Sputtering the crescendo of its redolent symphony Sickening zephyrs Bouquet of stink Pungent resins Weeping meat expels a foul fragrance Baptizing us in a spicy caress The cadaver belly, distended and bloated Collapses into a burping, bubbling mess Carrion vapor seeps from necrotic tissue Effervescing with puddles of co*ktailed juice It eddies and swirls, chirns and foams Before scaping down the drainage sluice Noxious chemical hazard Reeking human offal Miasma so rancid and caustic Virulent murk most awful Stagnant decedent a jellied clump Organic refuse heap host to rot Pathological rebellion of bacteria Vitiates the viscera refusing to stop