When I walked down to your club I was in blue again I've suffered the mood these days Your new boy was under the view and he was crying I knew what you were like… but If you tense those muscles round your eyes like that You'll get old Ah, ha Hip hop now be bop Hip hop Be bop ah, ha Be bop Now all the boys have dark hair She got lines like barbs and won't be told It doesn't matter It doesn't matter Now pa**ions go by Into quick sign recognised It's for your soul
If you stand like that They'll think you're a It's… It's for your soul If you stand like that They're gonna think you're a up and down up and down up and down up and down The darkness containing Her flat key All the hip kids desire One, a tall gla** Two, being on terms with the girls Off the shoulder just so it's nonchalant from a… Three, being in a group I know this is the sort of stuff will not endure I know this is the sort of stuff will not endure line up