Maybe Pete hasn't always handled his problems perfectly, and no, neither have I. He's still got his record, and a city that worships him. Since I wrote this song in 2009, the Reds turned into division winners, Joey Votto became an MVP, and Sparky Anderson died. Here's to Sparky, Joey, Cincy, and Charlie Hustle. The Great American ballpark, where the sun shines all day. Now I'm walking down Riverside, down to Pete Rose Way. The perfect chaos when he slid, the way he made you pay. Every single thing he did, he did the Pete Rose way. "Walk through hell in a gasoline suit if there's one more game to play." Diving down this boulevard they call Pete Rose Way…
He'd be the first to tell you how many outs he made. Never said he was the best, but oh, how hard he played. Ask about the Big Red Machine -- now what would Sparky say? I guess he'd probably tell you that they played the Pete Rose way. "Walk through hell in a gasoline suit if there's one more game to play." Diving down this boulevard they call Pete Rose Way… Oh Brandon, Bronson and Joey, oh Aaron, Johnny and Jay. So many lessons to be learned going down the Pete Rose way. Going down the Pete Rose Way...