I was in the water, I was half a human I looked into the cloud for war solution It's all in my mind It's all in my mind I was like a wave, I didn't show emotion I was a hundred years out on the ocean It's all in my mind It's all in my mind Everything's illusion, and I flatter to deceive My life is going fast, it's make believe It's all in my mind It's all in my mind I was in the water, I was half a human I looked into the cloud for war solution It's all in my mind
It's all in my mind I was like a wave, a pulse across the ocean I was a stone, I didn't show emotion It's all in my mind It's all in my mind Everything's illusion, and I flatter to deceive My life is going fast, it's make believe It's all in my mind It's all in my mind It's all in my mind It's all in my mind Everything's illusion, and I flatter to deceive My life is going fast, it's make believe It's all in my mind It's all in my mind