Eva Luna Dressed down in a winter coat Did turn your ear Talking backwards Words written in a sullen tone Short and sincere As light hits Brigadoon The stolen interlude Torn and battered Thin and shattered Spotlight on Eloise Softly in between Sweetly haggard Darkly lacquered A caution blows On the good things And the fine things Impatience flows If you take time It's a fine line Throw stones in the wishing well What's next you can never tell The outline of what we've lived through Sleep well but when you die I'll say it serves you right The outline of what's around you Won't haunt you anymore now
Dulcinea never settled for simple crap But I had no choice Careening madly It wasn't long before the sun went down And I lost your voice Night falls on Araby Spoken ineffably And these ankles, so newfangled Dipped in Erigeron Basil tarragon Lost in chatter Caught in fetters Silence slows As the light falls It's a tough call And so I fold Would it take me To know me? Throw stones in the wishing well What's next you can never tell The outline of what's around you Sleep well but when you die I'll say it serves you right The outline of what we've been through Won't haunt you anymore now Liar!