I wonder of a God who can redeem his justice over man with guilt...constant guilt...I wonder too of a God who is just and yet those babies starve and are born with little chance for survival...justice here too? I wonder of a God who sees beauty in all things...creates them equal and yet some have brains outside their heads...and live no more than hours...is this equal? I wonder of heavens and the vastness of territories undiscovered and too large to fathom...is one supreme being responsible? Is a black hole a heaven? I wonder of religions that preach if I'm not Mormon ( for example) then I'm surely damned to hell...then I wonder of the Catholic compromise in hell and heaven...the purgatory part where surely most all politicians and lawyers dwell...one where you work your way up...or fall into a chasm of hell fire and damnation forever. ( How long is forever? ) Is this a second chance? I wonder of lies...confessions and being told to say a few Hail Mary's and then you can start over the next day. What kind of religion allows mistakes over and over...what does a just God say of this lack of control? I wonder of the marriage of religion and politics and the games that are certainly okay under this guise....the domain of the Pope...the Almighty who gives his life for the Catholic church but finances gun running... I wonder of the commercialism of religions and how God feels about regenerating pink hair dye and venom hair...Cadillac's and obscene homes...preachers waiting and taking prostitutes...the sale of redemption for a few retirement checks...The potions peddled on medias that for "a few bucks God will heal you"... Where is a supreme God in this? Surely he's insulted by the power of men in sheep's clothing pushing the wares of heaven... Then the wars...the lost children of our society...the Klan and Black m**ms...the hate groups that pedal religion to be tax exempt...all under the guise of their God and their religion. What has religion become.?..not hope...greed?...yes...not security for the soul...for a price. No! Media hocus pocus and sensationalism perhaps?
I think the God dwells within and that today over centuries of misdemeanors in religions...and the hype it all garners from Hollywood to the White House...that real religion is dead. I feel that few know that God is in the heart, the mind and that some (are they 'chosen') are more susceptible to faint voices from Heaven...what is this? Its the oasis (the island) where the id and all its energies go when d**h is a relief...its the consciousness...the focus of the mind and its power that lays down the body and releases the energy to muse and drink forever the life of a God from within. Each person of a just God...with the pa**ions and compa**ions of a true heart...the one that never envies but accepts, refines and moves on to a positive role in life...is willed heaven...of their making...after all...if I think heaven for eternity would be a wonderful...fresh, beautiful and lush island...then the next person who left for their heaven may find a mountain or an eternal journey upon open waters in a Schooner. Who's to say that my heaven would fit yours or theirs? This would be just reward for good souls. I just want to say that God surely has his hands full with all these religions...the nay sayers...forcasters of doom for your retirement check...these prophets for pay...well they've left a bad taste in my mouth for a God that would say today's religions are justified in how they perform. I prefer my thoughts of the gift for living good...my reward...my island and an eternal smile. Not too much to ask but I'm open for your God...I am a child who craves the arms of her Father...the one who will tell me I've been good and I will be given a solid home with security in the here after. I hope you understand this part of me honey...I'm confused by it all. Show me...help me...love me through all this.