Comatose eternal Intravenous pleasure Make you abnormal Make your choice ours Your pains will be pleasures Your joy will leave scars Why stay divided Make you complete Trust us we're surgeons You look best, the same Photocopied faces Identical frames Frames Identical frames Frames Identical frames Code black This is payback Heart attack Code black This is payback Fake what you... Lack Fake what you... Lack Fake what you... Lack Fake what you... Lack Frames Identical frames Frames Identical frames Code black This is payback
Heart attack Code black This is payback Fake what you... Code black This is payback Heart attack Code black This is payback Fake what you... Lack Black, black Fake, fake Fake, fake Fake, lack Fake, fake Fake, fake Fake, fake Fake, fake Fake, fake Fake, fake Fake, fake, fake, fake Fake, fake, fake! Code black This is payback Heart attack Code black This is payback Fake what you... Code black This is payback Heart attack Code black This is payback Fake what you... Lack Lack Lack Fake what you... Lack